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Get Strategic B2B Marketing Consulting from Real CMOs

Better Revenue | Brand Reputation | Business Resilience

Our fractional CMOs help you build a strong marketing strategy and execute for REAL results. In our world, a marketing plan must be tied to ROI for your business. Positioning. Scaled Growth. Talent Attraction. Valuation. Profit. We aren’t afraid to have the revenue impact conversation. In fact, we insist on it.


Consult on Business Strategy with a REAL Chief Marketing Officer

Our B2B Marketing Consultants are experienced Chief Marketing Officers with a proven track record for growing companies. Unlike traditional marketing consultants that hand you a plan and then leave, our fractional CMOs take you through the full execution process to ENSURE you get full ROI.

For a fraction of the cost of a full-time executive, a fractional CMO gives your business access to top level expertise without the fixed cost of an annual six figure salary. It’s a scalable marketing leadership that is right-sized for your budget and business stage.

How is working with a fractional CMO different than a traditional marketing consultant?

When should your company look for a fractional CMO to provide marketing consulting?

A fractional CMO is a great option for companies that need experienced marketing guidance without the full-time commitment or cost. If your company has limited resources, hiring a fractional CMO on an as-needed basis can be beneficial because it gives you access to the right expertise and advice at an affordable rate.

How much does a fractional CMO cost?

What does a fractional CMO do?

The First 90 Days of Consulting & Execution

How We Start Making IMMEDIATE Impact for Your Business

Deep Dive Your Target Market – Uncover Their Psychological Triggers and Determine WHERE to Reach Them with the TRUTH about Your Brand


Design a STRATEGIC Marketing Plan Prioritized around Fast Wins, BIG Impact, and Long Term Resilience – Aiming Your Budget at the Right Things


Build a Realistic Execution Roadmap and Launch Marketing Tactics for Rapid Optimization, Tracking, and ROI


Here are our specialties in marketing consulting and execution

  • Growth Strategy
  • Sales Process Optimization
  • Positioning
  • Messaging
  • Return on investment
  • Increasing Valuation & Exit Planning
  • Revenue Strategy
  • Demand Generation
  • Lead Generation
  • Merger and Acquisition
  • Talent Branding and Attraction
  • Customer Experience and Retention
  • Internal Communications
  • Market Expansion
  • Go-to-Market Plans and Launches
  • Team Develoment and Hiring

Industries We Serve

Our marketing consultants work with business-to-business companies in both the small and mid-markets. Industrial, manufacturing, technology, construction, healthcare, and professional services are all industries where we’ve made a mark helping clients bring in billions in revenue over the past 10 years.

  • Private Equity

  • Technology

  • Manufacturing

  • Saas

  • Professional Services

  • Financial Services

  • Education

  • Industrial

  • Healthcare

  • B2B2C

  • Distributor & Channel Partner Marketing



Why Work with an Outsourced CMO As Your Marketing Consultant?

If you want to do marketing but you don’t have a STRATEGY, you need a CMO now. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a fractional CMO from The Marketing Blender.

  • Focused 100% on Revenue and Impact
  • No Long and Frustrating Recruiting Time
  • Much Less Costly vs. a Full-Time CMO
  • Manages All Marketing Resources
  • Can Scale Hours Up or Down as Needed
  • Mentors Your In-House Marketers
  • Aligns with Sales around Business Goals
  • Oversees Budget & Spend
  • Builds Strategy & Tracks Outcomes
  • Drives Execution for Results and ROI


Considering a Marketing Consultancy or a CMO Engagement?

Executive-level marketing leadership focuses on total impact instead of simply a plan, project, or campaign. Whether we are leveraging your in-house talent, our fractional team, freelancers, or 3rd party agencies, our CMOs ensure you get results, not just tactics and recommendations.

Talk to Blender about Engaging a B2B Marketing Consultant

Our Fractional CMOs have deep experience across multiple B2B industries, and we collaborate across our team to ensure EVERY client gets the best outcomes possible.