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Has a business card ever closed a deal for your company? Not unless it was attached to the hand of a savvy salesperson. Here’s another fact: When your website isn’t crafted to convert, it doesn’t have the personality and power of your brand behind it. In fact, it is no more than an expensive online business card.

What Is Conversion Anyway?

Conversion = making sure your web visitors do what you want them to do when they are on your site. A poorly designed or outdated website with unclear messaging and annoying features (such as photos that take forever to load) ensures that your visitors:


Why should you be devastated when this happens?

Conversion Is Tied Directly to Your Bottom Line

On a B2B website, conversion looks very different than it does in the B2C world. But it is even more valuable. You aren’t trying to get people to click on a “Buy Now” button and purchase a gadget for the low, low price of $9.95 (plus shipping and handling). When your sales people can turn an online lead into a real world deal, that might mean five, six, or seven figures in revenue.

If you want to exponentially increase the reach of your sales team through effective marketing, your web presence is the #1 tool to make that happen. Every click on your website is an opportunity. Every failure to convert is a lost opportunity. It’s time to stop leaking leads and start moving them down the pipeline. So…

What Do You Want Your Web Prospects to Do?

Here are a number of readily trackable actions for visitors to take on your site:

  • Filling out a form (inviting you to make contact and engage them more deeply)
  • Contacting your sales team with an inquiry (volunteering more information about how YOU can serve them)
  • Sharing content (raising awareness for your company’s message)
  • Referring your company to others (being a CHAMPION for your brand!)

Are these actions you want prospects to take when they visit your site? Then you need to figure out how to make that happen.

Get Visitors to Do the Things You Want

Having a clear call to action on every web page is a great place to start. You can even craft landing pages around specific keywords to drive highly targeted traffic and increase conversions. For example, you might have a dedicated page where visitors can fill out a simple form to receive a download of a whitepaper, free tools, or other resources.

Always give visitors what they need, but never lose focus on your ultimate goal for your web content. Begin with the end in mind. Ask: What do I want the reader to do next? If you can’t answer that question, then why are you creating the content?

What Does a Clear Call to Action Look Like?

A good call to action offers an invitation that makes sense as a next step. Check this out:

Get your copy of our white paper and stop annoying your web visitors:

If your calls to action aren’t getting clicks, it’s time to find out why. Remember, EVERY click could mean another high dollar deal at the end of the day.

Can We Make You a Conversion Convert?

At the Marketing Blender, we are adamant that every website should serve a purpose—and get results. It’s the goal of everything we do on our own website, and it’s what we do for our clients. Let’s start making your website work for your business.

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