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Are you looking to create a successful marketing strategy but don’t know where to start? Creating a B2B marketing strategy framework is a great way to organize your thoughts and develop a plan of action. This blog post will outline the steps you need to take to create your own B2B marketing strategy framework.

Learn how to build a marketing strategy by watching the video below!

What Is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing is the process of targeting businesses to sell them products or services. It can be a very effective way to reach out to potential customers, as companies are more likely to have larger budgets and be more interested in making a purchase than consumers. Several different methods can be used in B2B marketing, including advertising, email marketing, and social media marketing.

What Are the Main B2B Marketing Platforms?

There are several platforms that businesses can use for their B2B marketing framework efforts. The most common ones include email marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing. Let’s take a closer look at each of these platforms.

  • Email marketing is one of the most popular B2B marketing platforms. It allows businesses to reach a large number of potential customers quickly and easily. In addition, email marketing is a very effective way to keep in touch with current customers and build relationships with them.
  • Content marketing is another popular B2B marketing platform for your digital marketing strategy. High-quality content marketing involves creating and publishing content relevant to your target audience. This content can be in the form of articles, blog posts, videos, or infographics. Publishing high-quality content is a great way to attract new customers and build relationships.
  • Social media marketing allows businesses to reach a large number of potential customers quickly and easily. In addition, social media marketing is a very effective way to keep in touch with current customers and build relationships with them.
  • Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. It allows companies to reach many potential customers quickly and easily. In addition, video marketing is a very effective way to keep in touch with current customers and build relationships with them.

How To Create Your B2B Marketing Strategy Framework

Creating a B2B strategy framework can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider, and it can be difficult to know where to start. However, by following the steps below, you can create a framework to help you achieve your business goals.

  1. Start by defining your goals and objectives. What do you want your marketing strategy to achieve? What are your targets?
  2. Next, assess your current situation. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is working well for you, and what needs improvement?
  3. Once you understand your goals and current situation, it’s time to create a plan. This should include a strategy for reaching your targets and tactics and actions you will take.
  4. Finally, put your plan into action and track your progress. Adjust your strategy as needed to ensure you are on track to reach your goals.

Define the 3 M’s

To create a successful B2B marketing strategy, you need to start with a clear market understanding. This includes identifying your best buyers, their buyer’s journey, and understanding their challenges and motivations. You also need to know how to better connect with them.

When you have a good understanding of the market, you can start developing your messaging. This should include a brand awareness snapshot and market positioning, as well as your brand promise, mission and vision, and core values. You’ll also need to do a competitor analysis to understand what makes your company different.

Once you have all this information, you can start developing your marketing map. This should outline your stakeholder team, current state to future state, market insights, goals and strategies, and execution tactics and processes. You’ll also need to identify ownership, priority, resources, and accountability checkpoints.

Outline the Goal Pyramid Framework

The goal pyramid framework is a simple yet effective way to set and achieve your goals. The framework has four levels: goal, strategy, execution, and resources.

  • Your top-level goal is what you want to achieve. It should be ambitious yet achievable, inspiring you to take action. Once you have your top-level goal, break it down into smaller goals related to the overall goal. These lower-level goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Next, come up with strategies for achieving your lower-level goals. These strategies should be tailored to your unique situation and needs.
  • Once you have your strategies in place, it’s time to put them into action. Make sure to track your progress and stay on track.
  • Finally, make sure you have the necessary resources to achieve your goals. This includes both tangible and intangible resources. For example, you may need money, time, or expertise to achieve your goals.

Map Out the Sales Cycle in Your B2B Marketing Strategy Framework

The sales cycle is a critical process that all B2B companies should aim to understand. It can be helpful to map out the steps involved to understand better how the process works and to identify your ideal customer, as well as potential areas for improvement.

  • The first step in the sales cycle is generating interest. This may involve creating marketing campaigns that promote your product or service, reaching out to your target audience, or setting up a booth at a trade show.
  • The next step is building trust. This may involve establishing yourself as an expert in your field, providing customer testimonials, or creating a solid track record.
  • The final step is closing the deal. This may involve negotiating prices, overcoming objections, or signing contracts.

By understanding the sales and marketing cycle, you can better equip yourself to make more sales and grow your business.

Create An Execution Roadmap

How do you go about creating an execution roadmap? The first stage is to assess your current situation and identify your goals. Once you clearly understand what you want to achieve, you can outline the steps needed to reach each of your goals. 

Be sure to consider all aspects of the project, from research and development to marketing efforts and sales.

Once your roadmap is complete, it’s important to revisit it regularly and make changes as needed. The business world is constantly changing, so your goals and strategies will likely change along with it.

Allocate Your Budget

The marketing budget is assigned based on where the most significant lift is needed throughout the sales funnel. By allocating your budget in this way, you can ensure that you make the most of your investment and get the best return on your marketing activities and dollars. To allocate your budget effectively, it’s essential to understand how each sales funnel stage impacts your business.

  1. The first step is to identify your top-of-the-funnel goals. These activities generate awareness and interest in your product or service. Paid search, email marketing, and content marketing plan are excellent channels for top-of-the-funnel campaigns.
  2. Once you have attracted attention and completed lead generation, you need to move them down the funnel. This is where your middle-of-the-funnel goals come into play. These activities focus on qualifying and converting leads into customers. Lead nurturing, lead scoring, and marketing automation is essential for moving leads down the funnel.
  3. You will want to convert those customers into loyal, repeat buyers. This is where your bottom-of-the-funnel goals come into play. These activities focus on increasing customer lifetime value and boosting profits. Retargeting, email marketing automation and product recommendations are great ways to achieve these goals.

Ready to Get Started With B2B Marketing Strategy Framework?

B2B marketing can be a lot of fun. It’s a chance to be creative, strategic, and analytical simultaneously, and it can be highly lucrative for your business if done correctly. Hopefully, this guide has provided you with a good overview of creating a successful B2B marketing strategy framework. 

However, if you still have questions or need help getting started with your B2B marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact the Marketing Blender for fractional CMO services. We would love to help you grow your business using tried and true B2B marketing methods.