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Hiring the RIGHT Ad Agency Settles That Question Forever

There are two types of B2B companies. The ones that don’t like to spend money on advertising and marketing, and the ones who DESPISE spending that money, but they both typically DIY B2B Advertising. But all smart organizations know that gaining brand recognition and cultivating leads is a critical part of their success.

DIY B2B Advertising

If you’re in that boat right now, it’s probably crossed your mind to try handling things in house. We’re not here to tell you that’s wrong. But we are going to get real about why it makes sense to get expert help. Let’s start by clearing up some common misconceptions:

Myth #1: “A good ad campaign is really just about having a good idea.”

We wish we could say this is true, because we have smart people on our team who come up with great ideas all the time. But the fact is there’s a LOT more to it than having an idea. It has to be the RIGHT idea for the RIGHT audience delivered on the RIGHT platform with the RIGHT follow up. Clever isn’t good enough! You need wisdom that comes with experience to put together a successful ad campaign. Inspiration is fine. Execution is what turns an idea into revenue.

Myth #2: “We’ll do it on our own for now and look at hiring an agency next year when revenue is better.”

This is a fib we all like to tell ourselves—that things will take a turn for the better if we just procrastinate long enough. But the fact is a company can come to us to talk about an ad initiative and then go off to think about it for a while or try to do it on their own. When they come back to finally pull the trigger, it’s not because things have changed for their business. It’s because NOTHING HAS CHANGED. They have just kicked their goals for growth a year down the road. And they are kicking themselves for letting that happen.

Myth #3: “We have someone in-house to do marketing, so they should be able to handle it all.”

Actually, today’s CMOs are outsourcing 45-75% of their marketing activities.(1) And that includes most big name companies (the ones who spend MAD money on advertising). They aren’t doing this because they are unable to hire competent people in house. They are taking advantage of the undeniable benefits of working with masterful ad agencies. So don’t DIY B2B Advertising. Why? Because the demand for specialized skills and knowledge is increasing in today’s ever-changing marketing landscape.

The truth is, outsourcing your marketing efforts to a professional agency can save you time, money and resources in the long run. Not only will they have the expertise and industry knowledge to create effective campaigns, but they also have access to cutting-edge technology and tools that can streamline processes and maximize results.

Spend Some Now or Spend More Later, and Later, and Later

Working with a specialized B2B ad agency helps you spend smart, and spend less over the long run while getting the biggest bang for your buck. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  • You get outside perspective without the static of internal politics and entrenched opinions that make brainstorming sessions go on FOREVER
  • You access the best talent in the business, chock full of creativity and passion that infuses your brand with fresh life
  • You avoid spending on overhead 365 days a year for needs that are cyclical or occasional
  • Your media spend goes farther because your agency knows how to leverage smart buying strategies and special deals you can’t get on your own
  • You tap into the relationships that an agency has spent years cultivating, providing a deep bench of resources in every area of expertise
  • You don’t have to spend time and energy keeping up with all the latest trends, tools, tactics, and technologies that impact modern marketing

Even more important, a well-established agency has best practices and a track record for success that takes the guesswork out of your ad initiative. You can (and should) insist on accountability and transparency so you can track the results you are getting for your money.

Of course, before you spend a dime, you want to know that an agency can offer wise advice that points you in the right direction. That’s why we’ve created an Agency Search Guide. Download it now and be prepared for an eye-opening read.

Your business deserves to achieve unimagined heights of success. And that’s a true team effort. We are here to support you.

  1. “Turbulence for the CMO”, Accenture 2013

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