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Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home; your social media channels need a refresh every now and then too. Spring is here. And with it comes the cliché of spring cleaning. While many of us look at this day in horror of the purging that is to come, when it comes to your B2B social media profiles, this change should be perceived as a breath of fresh air (another cliché, but we love it).

Your social media profiles are a representation of your brand. Nurture your social presence and dust off those cobwebs.

Much like that hallway closet gets cluttered year after year, our online presence needs a good scrub down every now and then. Here are some tips on how to spring clean your social channels:

  1. Profile Photos/Company Logos

Are your profile photos current or has it been a few years since you replaced them? Your profile and cover photos should be images that represent your business, your team, and most importantly, your current company logo. If this isn’t the case, sweep those old photos and logos away. (Don’t get rid of them entirely; keep them in a folder for “throwback Thursday” posts.)

  1. Company Information

Is your company description up to date? The “About Us” should be up to date and reflect your current business. Your hours of operation should be the most relevant ones as well. After all, you don’t want users angry if they can’t reach you because your hours aren’t correct.

  1. Those You Are Following

Who is your company following? Are you following leaders in your industry, or the CEO’s second cousin’s wife twice removed? Go through your “following” list and make sure you are following users and businesses relevant to your industry. This practice allows you to have a clean news feed with information relevant to you and your industry.

  1. Those Who Follow You

Who is following you? Go through your followers to see if you can eliminate any spam accounts. Cleaning out this list can help you see if your page has any fraudulent likes and give you a clear audience to target with your paid campaigns.

  1. Examine Your Social Strategy

Is your social strategy in line with your goals? It is important to know your why when it comes to social media. An online presence shouldn’t be simply a presence; it should have a purpose. Use this time to give your strategy a quick audit and see if it is lining up with your overall company goals. During this audit, you should take a peek at your competitors to see what they are doing socially. You can use the insights as a benchmark to determine where you want your own channels to be.

Once these are checked off, you are on your way to a squeaky-clean restart.

If you’d like to discuss how to elevate your brand and social media position in the marketplace, schedule a free marketing audit with a Blender strategist.

We’re a full-service B2B marketing agency focused on accelerating growth for clients in manufacturing, healthcare, software and professional services. If you have any questions, we’re here to help.

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